I have gotten a few questions about freelance writing, so I thought that I would do an updated section for freelance writing. I began freelance writing part time about a year ago, and I have made decent money for no more time than I put into it.
If you are just beginning freelance writing, here are some places that you can apply to get started. It is a good idea to always save articles that you write. As you start applying to other places they will want writing samples. It is so much easier if you already have them saved and are not having to write new ones.
Textbroker: They pay twice a month with a minimum payout of $10.00. They pay via pay pal, and they pay on time. I have never had an article rejected, or not been paid on time.
ECopywriters: I applied with them, and was accepted. I have not written anything for them though. I have never really been able to find any titles that I find appealing.
EHow: On this site you can choose whatever you want to write about. You earn residual income from your articles, which is based off of how many views you have on your article. I have put a few articles up on EHow. I find their website very slow at times. I have seen people have great success from this site.
If you already have experience then you can apply to these:
Bright Hub: I do not know a whole lot about this site. I believe this is a revenue sharing site, and that you have selected channels you can write for.
WiseGeek:They pay average of $10-$14 per article. I have applied with them, but I do not know if I have been accepted yet. I will keep you updated.
Content Divas: I have heard a lot of great things about them. You can email writing samples to them to apply.
Quality Gal: I do not know a lot about this company other than it is legit.
How To Do Things: A How To site that you can write for. I have been accepted, but I have not written anything for them yet. I will keep you updated on this one too.
Suite 101: This is another residual based company. I have heard many great things about them, and people make decent monthly from them. I recently was accepted, and I am starting to write for them now. They only require 10 articles in 3 months when you begin.
Demand Studios: This is probably one of the highest paying article sites. I have applied, but was declined. I've heard that sometimes you have to apply more than once. This is a great place if you can get on.
There are plenty more sites that offer work for freelance writers. Here are the places I frequent to look for jobs, and to learn more about companies.
Freelance Writer Home: This blog is written by one of the most knowledgeable freelance writers I know. She has plenty of experience and details all the companies she has dealt with. There is a wealth of knowledge on her page so check it out, bookmark it, and check it some more.
WAHM Writing Board: I have landed some great private clients from this site. Also, there are lots of people there to help support you and answer questions. I check this site several times a day.
Rat Race Rebellion: Funny name, but great place for daily leads.
I hope that this can help some of you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I was a little intimidated the first place I applied, and submitted an article too. Over time you build confidence and it becomes easier and easier to write once you get the hang of it.
WalkTheWalk (CSI)
14 years ago